The Traditional Wet Shave is Back
Baby boomers remember watching their fathers' wet shaving every morning; a ritual steeped in efficiency and framed with craftsmanship. The son's rite of passage into manhood often began with that first wet shave and the inescapable pride of the first bleeding nick. Fast-forward to the Millennial generation where most viewed the morning shave as a necessary nuisance - and are now beginning to embrace the skills of the traditional wet shave.
The process of selecting quality grooming supplies is also taking center stage. From CNC machined, stainless steel razors to all natural ingredient product lines, wet shaving has been reintroduced as a luxurious experience, rather than a laborious task. More than ever, men are tossing the multi-blade disposable razor in the circular file cabinet and opting for a straight razor shave or a double-edged safety razor. Over the past 10 years, the increasing $20 billion industry sector that makes up the men's grooming industry has shown an increased buying trend favoring smaller, specialized male toiletries and shaving product brands.
Wet shaving offers the closest encounter with an all natural grooming experience. The results are a more accurate, cleaner shave - with the hair cut close to the skin. But possibly, the greater attraction is the ritual involved in wet shaving. From the lathering of the shaving soap and each deft and steady approach of razor to skin, the experience transports one closer and closer to a devotee to the art of shaving. It has been found that 75% of men shave every day, while 85% of those men prefer to wet shave. The most common complaints against the quick and easy disposable razor blade shave include:
- not a close shave (24%)
- Ingrown hairs (22%)
- irritated skin (19%)
- nicks (13%)
- razor bumps (13%)
- razor burn (8%)
A traditional wet shave can answer each of these problems. Choosing the right razor can drastically reduce or eliminate general irritation, ingrown hairs, and razor bumps. Add double-edged razor blades, a boar bristle shaving brush and all-natural moisturizing creams and oils, and your purchases are done for a year. Compare that with the endless cartridge blades replacements. Along with the better and more consistent shaves, many men appreciate the reduced environmental impact that comes when you ditch the plastic disposable razors.
As a quiet morning indulgence, the wet shave may take a bit of extra time, yet over time, most men become extremely efficient wet shavers. A great approach is to consider this morning ritual as "me time" - a moment to switch off the brain from the demands of the upcoming day and simply appreciate and reflect on being in the moment. It doesn't matter if you are an occasional wet shaver, a newbie, or an aficionado, the experience of a morning wet shave can be the perfect way to start your day.
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